Grade School
District Information
Food Service
DP Collection Procedures (See EE and JS) DP-1
Unpaid Fees and Negative Account Balances
Unpaid or overdue accounts disrupt accounting practices within the district. All persons who owe overdue fees or have negative account balances with the district shall be notified of the delinquency up to three times in not less than ten day increments by the superintendent or superintendent’s designate via letter sent by U.S. First Class Mail providing that the individual owes the district fees or that a specified account has insufficient funds or a negative balance and the reason for the fees or account withdrawals.
If, within ten days after the second notice was mailed, the debt is not paid in full or arrangements have not been made with the superintendent or superintendent’s designee to pay it, a third and final notice shall be sent to the debtor by mail. Postage and stationary costs may be added to the original bill.
If full payment is not received by the clerk within ten days after mailing of the final notice, authorization for the enforcement of collections may be obtained through the local small claims court in compliance with Kansas statutes or the superintendent or superintendent’s designee may turn the matter over to legal counsel to commence debt collection proceedings on behalf of the district.
Insufficient Funds Checks
The superintendent or the superintendent’s designee is authorized to request charges to be filed against a person or persons giving worthless or insufficient fund checks to the school district. In addition, the board adopts the following procedures for dealing with returned checks in the school setting.
Once the person is notified of the first returned check via U.S. First Class Mail, if restitution is made within five working days from the notification being mailed, there will be no charge for a returned check. If after a second notification is sent, restitution is not made within an additional five working days, a fee of $10.00 will be charged.
DP Collection Procedures (See EE and JS) DP-2
If a person has a second returned check, he/she will be notified and assessed a $15.00 fee, providing restitution is made within five working days. After the second notification is mailed concerning the second returned check, a fee of $20.00 will be assessed.
For a third returned check, the person will be notified, assessed a $30.00 fee, and informed that the district and its schools will not accept any future checks from such person. All future payments to the district or individual schools would then need to be in the form or cash, cashier’s check, or credit/debit card payment.
If restitution of the third check is not made within five working days from mailing the final notification, the superintendent or superintendent’s designee will be notified, and the superintendent or superintendent’s designee may turn the matter over to the county attorney for legal action.
Approved: KASB Recommendation – 12/2016
Approved: April 10, 2017